So if you haven’t heard yet, Nick Rose aka Darkwynn won the Feast of Blades Invitational, with of all things: Black Templars.
Why? Well, since the FAQ making all their rules the same as the other Space Marine Books, they are pretty good.
For instance you can get a squad of Terminators with Tank Hunters (making their cyclones effectively Strength 9 against armor), and oh they have preferred enemy in combat too from the Emperor’s champion.
Or you can give ones armed with Lighning Claws, Furious Charge as well. Did I mention you can take the old five man las/ plas squads too? Win!
Needless to say, for their points compared to the 5th Edition books, they are semi-broken. But enough about that lets get down to the list.
Nick told me people would be mad about this list because it’s not “shooty” enough. I dunno about that, it seems fine to me.
List and army pictures below.
~ 2000 Points Black Templars
Emperor’s Champion w/ Preferred Enemy
Marshall- Chainfist, Storm Shield, Adamatium Mantle
Terminator Assault Squad x8- Tank Hunters Teleport Homers Stormshield T-Hammer
Terminator Brethern Squad x5 2x Cyclone Missile Launchers Tank Hunders
Crusader Squad x5 Initiate w/ Bolter
Crusader Squad x5 Initiate w/ Bolter
Crusader Squad x6 Initate w/ BP and CCW, Power Weapon
Land Raider Crusader, Multi-Melta, Blessed Hull Extra Armor
Land Raider (God Hammer) Extra Armor
Land Speeder Typhoon 2 HB, Missile Launcher
Land Speeder Typhoon 2 HB, Missile Launcher