8th Codex Space Marines: Biggest Book Yet!

Codex Space Marines PostIt is finally here! The Codex: Space Marines has arrived and it is packed with everything you need to take your Space Marines to the next level.

Space Marine fans rejoice! This massive 208-page rulebook comes with packed with 85 datasheets, 26 Stratagems, 6 Warlord Traits, Relics and more. The Codex: Space Marine retails for $50 and is worth the price for the amount of content it has. There is so much in this codex to talk about and we will be bringing you a more thorough tips and tactics breakdown in the coming days. For now, here is a quick and dirty review to give you the lowdown on what you can expect to see.

For our complete review, be sure to scroll down and press play on the full video below.

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Once you get past the lore section that adds quite a large amount of fluff, you will hit the datasheet. The datasheets will contain the full range of Space Marine units, including the Primaris, with changes made to loadouts, abilities, and points costs of some characters and units. Some players may be happy or upset at the changes made to their favorite unit or character. The Warlord Traits are pretty good and you just get to choose them or roll a D6 if you prefer.

Now, there are six that any Adeptus Astartes Character can take but there are Chapter specific Warlord Traits that give you a more focused way to play your Chapter army.

Warlord traits

There are 15 Chapter Relics to choose from. You just get to pick one, unless you use the “Relics of the Chapter Stratagem” at the beginning of the match to add an additional 1-2 Chapter Relics. Now, eight of these Relics are Chapter specific with the rest being open to any Chapter. Be sure to note that several of the relics are also dependent on a unit/character having a specific weapon.

If you are a Blood Angels/Space Wolves/Grey Knights fans and wanting your own specific Traits, Stratagems, etc., don’t worry. You will be getting your very own Codex book in the near future too!

Chapter Relics

Not in this video was our list of units that were missing from Index Imperials I:

Missing From Index Imperials I:

  • Tyrannic War Vets
  • Terminus Ultra
  • Marneus Calgar In Power Armor
  • Khan (on Moondrakken)
  • Damned Legionnaire Squad
  • Librarian on Bike
  • Techmarine on Bike
  • Apothecary on Bike
  • Ancient on Bike
  • Company Champion on Bike
  • Veteran Squad on Bike
  • Imperial Space Marine (Exclusive Figure)
  • Rhino Primaris (Warhammer World Exclusive)
  • Land Raider Excelsior (Warhammer World Exclusive)

Keep in mind from a hobby perspective some of these changes seem to be made to closely mirror what is currently available model wise from Games Workshop.

Codex: Space Marines (Hardback): $50

Codex Space Marines

The 41st Millennium is an age of war and darkness. The Imperium is assailed from all sides, but standing between civilisation and annihilation is a warrior brotherhood. Forged through forgotten science and strengthened by duty and training, they are the Angels of Death – the Space Marines – and they were made for battle. By their heroics does Humanity endure. They are few – there are but a thousand Chapters, numbering a thousand each – yet through bravery, consummate skill and unceasing dedication, they are sufficient. Space Marines launch thunderbolt strikes into the heart of the foe, battling constantly against overwhelming odds to ensure the continued survival of Mankind itself.

Codex: Space Marines is a 208-page hardback containing a wealth of background and rules – the definitive book for all Space Marines collectors. Within its pages, you’ll find:


– The Emperor’s Finest: the origin of the Space Marines, with a guide to the original Legions and their successor Chapters, a detailed breakdown of the methods, technology and rituals behind the creation of these superhuman soldiers and an explanation of how their Chapters are organised, with guides to heraldry and markings;
– Imperius Dominatus: an annotated map of the galaxy, showing the full, dreadful extent of the Cicatrix Maledictum’s reach, and the Chapter homeworlds it has cut off;
– A Brotherhood at War: a timeline featuring some of the most important battles and events in the Space Marines’ struggle against the darkness, leading up to the faint glimmer of hope that is the Indomitus Crusade;
– Chronicles of Ultramar: an in-depth guide to the Ultramarines, their homeworld Macragge, the composition of their infamous 2nd Company, a timeline of their heroic history and a brief overview of their successor Chapters;
– Guides to the White Scars, Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists, Black Templars, Salamanders, Raven Guard and Iron Hands Chapters, with timelines of major battles, as well as descriptions and colour schemes of their successor Chapters;
– Explanations of the fighting forces available to all Space Marine Chapters including heroes, squads, vehicles and special characters.

Also included is an inspiring showcase of beautifully-painted Citadel miniatures, depicting Space Marines of every type doing battle in the colours of each founding Chapter.


This book contains everything needed to get a Space Marines army ready for war! A huge collection of rules content is within:

– 85 datasheets covering the entire Space Marines range – including the Primaris Space Marines;
– Points values for all miniatures, weapons and wargear for use in Matched Play games;
– Army abilities and wargear lists, alongside a brief explanation of their use and the use of keywords;
– Rules profiles for every piece of wargear and every weapon in the Space Marines’ arsenal;
– Rules for Battle-forged armies, including abilities for Space Marines armies and specific Chapter Tactics for Ultramarines, White Scars, Imperial Fists, Black Templars, Salamanders, Raven Guard and Iron Hands Chapters, reflecting their unique fighting styles;
– 26 Stratagems for Battle-forged armies, reflecting the varied tactics used by Space Marines commanders on the battlefield;
– 6 Warlord Traits, for use with any Space Marine Warlord, with Chapter-specific Warlord traits for Ultramarines, White Scars, Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists, Black Templars, Salamanders, Raven Guard and Iron Hands;
– Chapter Relics: special weapons and wargear wielded in battle by Space Marines characters;
– the Librarius psychic discipline: 6 psychic abilities for use by Space Marines Librarians;
– 6 Tactical Objectives for use by Space Marines armies.

Datacards: Space Marines: $15


Designed to make it easier to keep track of Tactical Objectives, psychic powers and Stratagems in games of Warhammer 40,000, this set of 72 cards – each featuring Artwork on the reverse – is an indispensable tool in the arsenal of any Space Marines gamer. Included:

– 7 psychic power cards, with the 6 powers from the Space Marines Librarius psychic discipline and the Smite psychic power;
– 26 Space Marines Stratagems as found in Codex: Space Marines, featuring 7 Chapter-specific Stratagems (1 each for Ultramarines, White Scars, Black Templars, Imperial Fists, Iron Hands, Salamanders and Raven Guard), along with a further 3 that can be used by any army;
– 36 Tactical Objectives, including the 6 Space Marine specific Objectives from Codex: Space Marines.

The Codex: Space Marines is available now online and in local Games Workshop stores. Be sure to press play on our quick and dirty unboxing and review video below for the full review.

For more on the Codex: Space Marines and all things Warhammer 40k, visit Games Workshop!