Warden Bits From Liber Daemonica Make Awesome Grey Knights

Liber Daemonica Grey Wardens feature rIf you’re looking to upgrade your Grey Knights, you have to check out all the new Wardens bits from Liber Daemonica!

They have all kinds of really cool Marine/Chaos Marine heads and bits on the site as well as tons of other factions as well. All the heads, shoulder pads, and weapons make for super easy conversions that will make your minis look amazing.

If you don’t feel like painting or converting anything, they also do some really awesome commission work too!

This time around we’re going to take a look at a ton of bits that are perfect for converting your Grey Knights! They will make your army stand out on the tabletop and prove a great painting challenge. They have even more than we’re going to show you, so be sure to check them out for all the great bits Let’s check the bits out!

Type Warden Helmets: $5.99

Wardens bitsJust like with their other bits, these will make your army stand out on the tabletop for sure. If you’re obsessed with Liber Daemonica, check what else is happening with them! These heads will just really amp up the coolness of your models, plus who doesn’t love some more variety?

A unique set of helmets. The set contains 5 items shown in the picture. Suitable for old and new Marines models.

Shoulder Pads: $9.95

Wardens bits 2The shoulder pads are really awesome and will easily let you discern between your different squads. Just to note, these are the only ones on pre-order right now out of the bunch.

A unique set of shoulder pads. The set contains 10 items shown in the picture. Suitable for old and new Marines models.

Warden Backpacks: $7.95

Wardens bits 3The backpacks are just another great addition to the line. This isn’t all they have either, they also have a ton of weapon options to pick up as well!

A unique set of backpacks. The set contains 5 items shown in the picture. Suitable for old and new Marines models.

That does it for this one, now go get some bits to upgrade your Knights!

Get Your Wardens Bits Here!