What is the Relic Called Guilliman’s First Oath? – LORE

By Zeb Barrett | March 12th, 2017 | Categories: Space Marines, Warhammer 40k Lore


Guilliman’s First Oath was nearly lost during the Battle of Calth. What is this Ultramarine Relic, and who almost took it? Let’s find out!

Via our good friends at Lexicanum

Guilliman’s First Oath is an Honour Standard and a relic of the Ultramarines Legion, that was nearly lost to the Word Bearers during the Battle of Calth. When the war on Calth began, the relic was held by the squadron of Sergeant Caudeus and was still with them, when the fighting continued beneath the planet’s surface. Disaster would strike for the squadron however, when both they and the squadron of Sergeant Tynon became separated from their Legion, while fighting in Vault-Vexillium; when the Word Bearers began to breakthrough the Ultramarines’ battle lines. The squadrons soon found themselves surrounded and realizied that the Word Bears would seize the Honour Standard after they were killed. Acting quickly the two Sergeants agreed to go on the attack and attempt a breakout that would allow one of their number to escape with the Honor Standard. Placing the relic in the hands of Olmenus, one of Caudeus’s squadron, the Ultramarines went on to sell their lives dearly against the Word Bearers, which allowed Olmenus to escape down a service chute. He later brought the Honour Standard to safety, when he located other Ultramarines forces.


Guilliman’s Gate is the entrance gate that leads from the surface of Calth to the vast underground caverns where the planet’s population dwells. Because of Calth’s reduced and polluted atmosphere, the intense solar radiation that reaches the planet’s surface is lethal to all forms of life

As the only way in or out of Calth’s inhabitated underground, Guilliman’s Gate is naturally heavily fortified and defended. It is also richly ornamented with statuary, including a colossus of Remus Ventanus, the hero of the Ultramarines who led the defense of Calth during the Horus Heresy.


During the Bloodborn‘s Invasion of Ultramar, Warsmith Honsou personally led a force of Iron Warriors to Calth. Seeing Guilliman’s Gate, he quickly discerned that it was impenetrable to any conventional assault, even for experts in siege warfare like the Iron Warriors. Instead, the Gate’s defenses were penetrated by a small team of expert climbers and close-combat specialists, including Ardaric Vaanes, The Newborn, and a small force of loxatl mercenaries. This team entered the Gate through an open gun port, overpowered the gunnery crew, and, with The Newborn’s inside knowledge, overrode the command codes and opened the Gate, letting Honsou’s army in.

guilliman horz

Find out more about Guilliman