3 Activation Imperials: SW Armada Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | September 27th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

One of the top lists from the Armada tournament at GenCon is coming down the pipe! Come and see this interesting build featuring only 3 activations! The Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer is the undisputed monster of the Imperial fleet. Being able to put out 8 dice from its front arc at medium range is massive. With 11 hull as well, it takes dedicated fire to bring this beast down. A nasty combo featuring some new cards from Wave VI.Avenger is a title for the ISD that can get nasty, but had fallen out of favor. With Boarding Troopers now being available, this ship has no mercy. The Avenger title makes it so that the defender cannot spend exhausted defense tokens. This pairs perfectly with Boarding Troopers.

Boarding Troopers allows you to spend a squadron dial or token to choose an enemy ship at close range. You may spend defense tokens equal to your squadron value. With 4 squadron value on the ISD, any ship at close range will have all of its defense tokens become exhausted, and will be at the mercy of the Avenger’s full blast of 8 dice! Horrifying!

Add in Admiral Sloan and things get dicey for your enemies. The Boarding Troopers is a one time use card, but Admiral Sloane makes your squadrons force multipliers with her ability. A squadron without Rogue may spend an accuracy result when attacking to spend a defense token on the defending ship. This has good synergy with Avenger and can result in ships getting burned down fast. Since the ISD will be more concerned with navigating into position, the Quasar Cruiser Carrier is a perfect squadron pushing platform. Flight Controllers allows you to add a blue die to the anti squadron armament of each squadron that you activate with the Quasar. This paired with another buffer, like Howlrunner, can make your squadrons super deadly. Howlrunner can further add a blue die to squadrons at range 1 of her if they have the Swarm keyword. This can get TIE Interceptors up to insane levels and can make very short work of any squadron presence the enemy may bring. But we are not done there!Dengar can boost TIE Interceptors by adding to their Counter value. So with the Howlrunner + Dengar combo, and Flight Controllers to boot, he can have TIE Interceptors with 6 anti squadron blue dice, and Counter 4. Combo breaker!!The humble Gozanti rounds out this fleet at 3 activations. The Gozanti can push squadrons around or can add the odd blue dice to the fray. But its fleet support capabilities make it worth the investment.

Comms Net can add a command token to friendly ships within range 1-5 to benefit their activations. The Avenger can heal up to 3 shields in one turn with the help of an Engineering token from the Comms Net, so the utility is evident with this build.

This 3 ship activation fleet has been seen at the top levels of play at this year’s GenCon. Did you expect a fleet with 3 activations to be so good?

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