Brutally Relentless: Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | June 27th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

Kuat Star Destroyer

The Kuat Star Destroyer is the undisputed king of close range brutality and the Relentless will earn its namesake with this build. Keep those Rebels running!

Brutally Relentless: Star Wars Armada

Imperial Star Destroyer Kuat Refit

The Kuat is about closing the distance and making the Rebels run for their lives. With an astounding array of dice in its froward arc, this Star Destroyer wants to play super aggressive. Since this ship favors close range combat,

Gunnery Teams won’t be necessary to get the most out of your batteries. Double arcing your opponent will make the most out of the Kuat. Relentless

The Relentless title will make the Kuat ever more responsive and aggressive in its flying. Being able to reduce your command dial stack by 1 opens up many opportunities to Navigate and Concentrate Fire to punish ships that cannot escape your speed.

Further opening up its flexibility, add a Skilled First Officer for 1 point in order to be able to discard your top command dial to match your opponent’s tactics. Hardened Bulkheads

Since getting into close range is a priority for the Relentless Kuat, Hardened Bulkheads will lock your targets in place. This Offensive Retrofit modification makes it so that whenever you overlap a ship of a smaller size class, deal 1 fewer damage card to your ship.

This allows you to get in the maneuver path of a small or medium ship, ram it, take 0 damage, and lock it into place so that you can bombard it with your close range batteries. The key to this will be to block a ship so that you have a double arc on it! Assault Concussion Missiles

A great ordnance upgrade for the Relentless is Assault Concussion Missiles. We want to maximize the damage we inflict on our enemies, and ACMs has what we need. Being able to deal 1 damage to adjacent hull zones of your target will melt their shields in no time.

Since this upgrade does not require an exhaust, you can use it again with your side arc. (You did get a double arc, right?)Leading Shots

Ordnance Experts may seem like an obvious choice for the Kuat, but look closely at its front and side arcs. Each has at least 1 blue dice, and since you will be at close range anyway to use your black dice, go with Leading Sots.

This allows you to spend 1 blue die to re-roll any number of dice in your attack pool. This can help you re-roll your black dice for that critical to trigger ACM’s, or re-roll your missed red dice. This opens up more opportunities for damage potential, and we want the Relentless to earn its namesake in Star Wars Armada!

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