Combat Interdictor Build: Star Wars Armada Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | May 11th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

The Interdictor is a superb support ship for. But what if you wanted it to get into the fight? Let’s take this ship to the limit with this daring new build. 

The Interdictor is a slow moving support ship that maxes out at speed 2. It gets 1 click of yaw at speed 1, and 1 click at 1 and 2 during a speed 2 maneuver, so it isn’t as sluggish as the Victory. But we still need to get this ship moving if we want it up in the thick of the fighting. Hove no fear, Engine Techs is here.

This nifty upgrade will let you perform a speed 1 “boost” to help you maneuver into a better battle position. But whenever you get there, won’t the Interdictor be vulnerable? Oh ye of little faith. Remember that this ship has the Suppression Upgrades that give it a boost to defenses.

Targeting Scrambler can force your opponent to reroll up to 4 of their attack dice. The key factor of this ability is that it happens during the Spend Defense Tokens step, so your attacking enemy will no be able to modify their dice further. If you make your opponent roll blanks and accurracies after they reroll, those hits are effectively cancelled. This is huge as red dice and black dice have a chance to roll blanks and will help mitigate damage.

Damage Control Officer is a way to increase the value of your Conatin defense tokens, and will give your enemy a reason to possibly target them with accuracies.If the Demolisher rolls up on you for a drive-by, just use the Contain defense token to cancel their Assault Concussion Missiles or even Assault Proton Torpedoes. Now we are getting tanky! Let’s boost our offense. 

High Capacity Ion Turbines gives you an extra blue die out the sides of your Interdictor. The firing arcs of this ship allow you to easily setup dual firing arc shots, and Engine Techs helps you get into perfect position. Blue Dice are the most accurate and 4 blues out of the sides of the Interdictor is going to put out some hurt. If you get a double arc, 5 out the side and 4 out the front will make any ship start to crumble.

This is a new take on the Interdictor and will help it get into the fight. I can’t wait to try this build out and let y’all know how effective it is at hunting Gladiators!

Barclay X-Wing Wrapper

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