Deploy Your Fighters: New Imperial Carrier For Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | May 24th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars, Star Wars Armada

The latest expansion for the Imperial faction in Star Wars Armada will give a big boost to carrier based tactics! Get your squadron on!

The Quasar Fire-I Class is a medium based ship that is used mainly as a support craft for squadrons. With 4 squadron value, this ship will be pushing squadrons all over the place! It has 6 hull and 2 shields in each hull zone, and has 1 Brace and 1 Redirect for Defense Tokens. Not the most formidable ship for combat, but it makes up for it with squadron tactics. 2 Offensive Retrofits make this ship perfect for Flight Controllers or even Expanded Hanger Bay.

The Quasar Fire II-Class features more red dice in its armament. It even has a red anti-squadron die, a first for a capital ship! Get ready for an Agent Kallus officer upgrade on this ship to add an extra anti squadron die at long range. This ship features 2 weapon upgrade slots, most likely to be fitted with Flight Controllers and Gunnery Team.

The first title for the Quasar is Pursuant. This upgrade allows you to resolve a squadron command, even if you reveal another command. You can Navigate as your command, spend the Pursuant title, and resolve both full commands, all fro 2 point. Not bad!

Next up we have Squall. This card functions much like Fighter Coordination Teams in that it can give your squadrons an extra boost before you activate them. As soon as you activate, you may select 3 unengaged friendly squadrons, and move them up to distance 2. This is a great way to get some bombers into position before you attack enemy ships. 

Stronghold is a great upgrade for keeping your TIE fighters safe. Friendly squadrons with Swarm at distance 1-2 of Stronghold are considered to be obstructed. This is big since most ships have only 1 die for anti-squadron. If it is obstructed, then no dice are used in the attack!

Admiral Sloane is a new admiral that comes with the Quasar expansion. This admiral is exciting because she makes your TIE fighters, which are terrible at attacking enemy ships, way more effective against ships. While a friendly squadron without Rogue is attacking, it may spend 1 die with an accuracy to choose and spend 1 of the defender’s defense tokens. While attacking a ship, it may also reroll a critical. This is huge for TIE fighters since they have 1 blue for anti ship dice. A hit counts as a hit, crits are no good, but you get a reroll for those. And accuracies are desired since you may exhaust a ship’s defense tokens. It’s a great way to lower a ship’s defenses, ready for your ISD to wreak havoc on enemy ships!

Lastly, the Grand Inquisitor makes his appearance. When an enemy ship at distance 1-5 of the Inquisitor changes its speed, you may exhaust his card to increase or decrease his speed by 1. This is a great way to keep pace with your enemy ships if they try to outrun you.

This next expansion will be exciting for squadrons in your Imperial fleets. Will you be ready to deploy your fighters?

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