Don’t Make This Rookie Mistake In Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | September 13th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

star wars battle of endor

Star Wars Armada is an intense game of strategy and planning, and all of that plotting can cause you to forget the little things. You must unlearn, what you have learned!

Modifications can be tricky in Armada:

The advent of new upgrades can make one forget that you may not be able to put as many upgrades on your ships as you like. We are talking about upgrades with the Modification trait.

Star Wars Armada

Star Wars Armada

The prospect of adding a blue die and a red die to your ship sounds amazing, (and it is), but the way the rules play out it is not allowed. Since many ships have an Ion slot and a Turbolaser slot, it seems like a legitimate way to upgrade your ship – but let’s take a look at the rule book.

Star Wars Armada

There it is. Plain as day. A ship cannot have more than one upgrade card with the “Modification” trait. Sorry guys. Keep making your lists out there, but don’t be that guy that has two modifications on his ship.

This game has a lot of moving parts, so check your buddy and make sure everyone is playing fair! Unless you are Imperials, then you have the Interdictor to muck up plans.