Hammer Time! New SW Armada Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | June 6th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

The instantly iconic Hammerhead Corvette smashes its way into Star Wars Armada. Accelerate to ramming speed and hurtle towards Star Destroyers.

The Hammerhead Corvette is a 5 hull small based ship that has sparse shields: 2 in the front, 1 on each side, and none in the rear. This little ship features 1 evade, 1 redirect, and 1 contain so it isn’t entirely defenseless. This ship is made to get in close and hit very hard before getting out of dodge or sacrificing its life for the Rebel cause.

The Hammerhead Scout Corvette is much like the CR90 A in that it favors long ranges combat. It’s low cost can make it a more attractive choice over the CR90A and its upgrade suite is pretty nifty.  Turbolasers come standard and the Offensive Retrofit and Weapons team enable Boarding Parties to be used once engagements get close ranged. 

The Hammerhead Torpedo Corvette is all about getting in close and brawling. This ship is super cheap and the upgrades should go light on this ship to keep it expendable. The new Task Force upgrades can really help you get your mileage out of the humble small ships. Task Force Antilles allows you to spread damage around to your neighboring Hammerheads. When an equipped ship takes damage it may exhaust TFA on another friendly ship to suffer 1 of your damage instead. It’s a great way to keep your Hammerhead wolf pack alive to get close into the big ships.

Task Force Organa on the other hand is a more offensive upgrade that boosts your attack dice. While attacking, you may exhaust the TF Organa card on another friendly ship at distance 1-3 to reroll up to 2 attack dice. You have to be mindful though, since a ship with an exhausted TF Organa card cannot attack ships. With careful planning, you can exhaust the TF Organa card on ships that have already activated. A great offensive boost to your Scout Hammerheads.

Leia Organa is a new admiral card that features a crazy ability. When a friendly ship resolves a command by spending a command dial, it may also treat that command as if it had a matching command token. But, when using this ability, a ship cannot resolve additional commands in a single round. This is a fantastic way for your ships to improve the impact of their command dials. A concentrate fire command adds a die and a reroll. Engineering command adds to your original engineering, and navigation commands can help boost speed by and additional 1. A fantastic admiral for the Hammerheads.

Lastly, an amazing new Ordnance upgrade: External Racks. This upgrade allows you to add 2 black dice to your attack pool for 1 attack round. This is a great disposable upgrade for disposable ships like the Hammerhead. Get in close, fire your External Racks, and then ram those enemy ships for massive damage potential!

The Hammerhead expansion will offer an aggressive approach to the Rebel fleet and a new way of engaging the enemy.

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