How To Play Rebels in the Corellian Conflict: Armada Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | March 2nd, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

Take a walk in the shoes of a Rebel fleet Admiral in this multi part series showcasing the Corellian Conflict for Star Wars Armada. Each battle adds to your resource and fleet options and it’s all covered here! 

Welcome fellow Rebels! Admiral Barclay here commanding the aptly named Engel Fleet in a desperate battle to retake the Corellian sector from the clutches of the Empire. Logistics allows for 400 points of ships, but can only start with 1 upgrade per ship, so I gotta make them count! The starting list will be as follows:

ENGEL FLEET – 400 points

  • Modified Pelta-Class Command Ship (FLAGSHIP) – Commander Sato, Entrapment Formation!
  • CR 90 Corvette B – High Capacity Ion Turbines
  • Nebulon-B Escort Frigate – Yavaris
  • MC80 Star Cruiser – SW-7 Ion Batteries


  •  Shara Bey (A-Wing)
  • Jan Ors (HWK-290)
  • Hera Syndulla (VCX-100)
  • B-Wing #13, B-Wing #15

This fleet focuses on keeping the enemy in our forward batteries, and relying on our fighter squadrons for supporting fire. Commander Sato is a brilliant strategist, and knows just where to hit the Imperial capital ships with calculated fighter bombing runs. We have the notorious Nebulon Yavaris here to support our fighters as well by providing additional armaments for them.

Hera Syndulla will lead the bombing runs and give insight to our rookie B-Wing pilots. Jan Ors and the A-Wing ace Shara Bey have been recruited as well to keep enemy fighter cover off our backs. 

We have managed to refit a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser with enough forward firepower to give the Empire second thoughts about taking us on! A CR 90 Corvette B will run blockade runner missions to take enemy fire off of our capital ships and will help get in close to damage vital enemy defenses. We have assembled out fleet, and we will soon strike out for a Repair Yard at Nubia. May the Force be with us!

Barclay X-Wing Wrapper

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