Ignore Ship Shields With Sato: Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | March 13th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

Imperial Scout Frigate

It can be a daunting task to take down the large Imperial cruisers in Armada, but not for Commander Sato. Punch through shields with ease with this Rebel!

MC30c Scout Frigate

The quirky MC30 Scout Frigate is a nimble craft that can take down ships much larger than itself. This small based ship can unleash devastating volleys of firepower against ships that get too close. Its side arcs are its strong points, but it can get a double arc shot easily with its hull zone coverage. Having 2 red dice at long range may not seem like much, but with Commander Sato, those dice will be deadly. Commander Sato

Commander Sato relies on the Rebel powerhouse squadrons to get the job done. While a friendly ship is attacking a ship at distance 1 of a friendly squadrons, you may replace up to 2 dice in its attack pool with an equal number of dice of any color. This can help you punch with ordnance dice at long range, being able to turn those 2 red dice into black dice. Just keep a hearty squadron close to your target ship, like a B-Wing or VCX-100.

Assault Proton Torpedoes

At long range, those 2 black dice can punch right through shields with Assault Proton Torpedoes. This ordnance upgrade allows you to deal 1 faceup damage card, through shields, as a black critical effect. This can help you get a lucky crit, like Projector Misaligned, which can fully remove shields in another shielded arc. Those crits can add up, and at long range, it can spell doom for Imperial ships.X17 Turbolasers

To further focus on punching through shields as much as possible, go with XI7 Turbolasers. Being able to essentially cripple the redirect defense effect can help your attacks get right through to the juicy hull of those Star Destroyers. Make your attacks count and ignore those shields with Commander Sato in Armada!

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