Imperial Swarm Fleet: Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | July 18th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics


The Rebels have been most known for their small ship swarms, but the Imperials are closing in with their Raiders! Engage those Rebels at point blank range.

Raider II-class Corvette

The Raider-II is leading the charge with this small ship swarm list for the Empire. Mostly seen as tactics by the Rebels to overwhelm Imperial Star Destroyers, small ship swarms overwhelm with overlapping fields of fire. The Raider-II is the perfect platform to lead your charge since it can get the party started, especially with the right upgrade set! Disposable Capacitors

Disposable Capacitor is the offensive upgrade that breathes new life into older ships. Being able to throw your blue medium dice at long range is a huge boon for the Raider-II, which has 3 in its front arc.

Firing at long range keeps the fragile Raider platform safe since redundant Evade and Brace will be able to weather even an Ackbar side arc.  Plus, Disposable Capacitors also has great synergy with an Ion weapon of note. Heavy Ion Emplacements

Heavy Ion Emplacements is the perfect weapon to start your attack run. As a blue crit option, you may exhaust TIEs to force the defending hull zone, and each adjacent hull zone, to lose 1 shield. This is a perfect opening salvo for the Raider-II as it can effectively weaken enemy shields, and Redirects for that matter, in one round of firing. Raider I-class Corvette

Ready to take advantage of a wounded ship, Raider-I is the perfect trap ship. The key to success with the Raider-I is to maneuver them so that your enemy has to come close, and then they pounce! Having two Raider-Is to accompany the Raider-II is a great little small ship wolf pack.External Racks

By firing at your Rebel target with Heavy Ion Emplacements, you set up your target for devastation. Your Raider-Is can follow up with External Racks. Being able to throw 2 extra black dice can be the nail in the coffin of a capital ship. Maximizing your close range volleys, Ordnance Experts will be a must-have for the Raider-Is, and they can wait out your enemy target.

Use your enemy’s strengths against him with the Imperial small ship swarm!

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