Improve Your Squadron Game: Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | March 26th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics


Armada is a game of fleet command, but the squadrons that support those ships are invaluable. Get your squadrons ready for anything and you will go far!

Gozanti-class Cruisers

Having a large fleet is truly impressive in the Armada game, but squadrons should not be overlooked for their importance to the game. Squadrons can help you deploy, as 2 squadrons count as a deployment, and can help you see where your opponent places his key ships when you start deployment. This can help you form a battle plan that can help you win Armada games before the first turn even begins.

For the Imperials, Gozanti cruisers are fantastic for not only being an activation but also being a viable support ship for your squadrons. With its squadron value of 2, Gozantis can push squadrons effectively. In this list, 1 Jumpmaster, Zertik Strom, and 4 TIE Bombers will form a squadron group that can take out other squadrons and also punch enemy ships.
Jump Master 5000

A Jumpmaster may not look like much as a stand-alone fighter, but it brings other strengths to your fleet. As an Intel ship, the Jumpmaster can ensure that your squadrons will not get locked down in engagements, and can allow them to bombs ships when they come within range. There is nothing worse than your bomber squadrons being stuck fighting other squadrons and not bombing ships, so its best to have an Intel ship around. Zerik Strom

Leave the fighting of the squadrons to Zertik Strom. This elite TIE Advanced pilot is ready to blast other squadrons with his 3 red attacks that also benefit from a re-roll. Zertik needs to deal 1 damage to a friendly ship at distance 1, but that’s a small price to pay to take out another squadron, and TIE Bombers have plenty of hull to spare. Zertik’s redundant brace defense tokens and his escort keyword will screen your other more important squadrons, like the Jumpmaster, from being taken out too soon. TIE Bomber Squadron

TIE Bombers are very effective at one thing: bombing ships. Their anti-squadron attack of 1 black die is pitifully inadequate to take down enemy squadrons, but their anti-ship die of 1 black is effective at stripping ship shields and hull. Zertik Strom can provide cover with his Escort and ability to blast enemy squadrons with 3 red dice and a re-roll. These TIE Bombers can blast away at an enemy ship with 4 black dice, but they will need help to avoid those blanks.

Bomber Command Center

The Gozanti can equip fleet support upgrades, and Bomber Command Center is a must have if you plan to go after enemy ships. Being able to re-roll your blank black dice will make sure that the chances of you getting those hits and crits is way better than relying on the favor of the dice gods alone. Get your pilots to their squadrons and prepare to bomb enemy ships in Armada!

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