Insight on Rebel’s Foresight: SW Armada Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | June 15th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

We all know how sneaky the Rebel MC30 can be. Let’s take it to the next level with this hardy and deadly build for the humble shrimp boat!

The MC30 Frigate loves to get in close and give those Imperial ISDs a big hug…with their broadsides. This little ship however cannot take any sustained fire or it will go down quick. It’s Evade defensive tokens will keep it safe at long range, but the MC30 won’t be putting out any damage at long, it needs to get into close range to be most effective. Redirects are great as well, but at close range they will burn themselves out quickly. A way to get around this and make your MC30 an anvil that the enemy pounds again and again and keeps on ticking is by adding of the Foresight title.

Not only does this title boost your Evades to insane levels by cancelling an additional die, but it’s Redirects are now like a mini Advanced Projector being able to spread the damage around to all its shields. This title can be an unstoppable force with Mon Mothma as your commander. Your Evades are just as effective at medium range and still work at close range too. This can be incredibly frustrating to Imperial players that are used to swatting an MC30 down in one salvo. Let’s add even more survivability to this beast by adding the officer: Lando Calrissian.

Lando, ever the gambler, allows you to reroll an enemy’s dice pool of damage. Hopefully the reroll has less damage coming through. It’s important to note that Lando triggers during the Spend Defense Tokens step and therefore will not allow your opponent to further modify their dice. Accuracies will become just as useless as blanks in this case, so have no fear. Always reroll dice that can’t get any worse. For example, black dice showing a hit/crit can’t get any worse by rerolling nor can a double hit red die become any more scary. Just hope that your luck hasn’t run out. Now that we are flying high and super defensive, let’s boost our offense.

Expanded Launchers makes double arcing your enemies even better than before! 4 black dice and 1 blue out the front, followed by 3 black 2 blue out the side make for one heck of a pounding on any ship that dares get close. Ordnance Experts is a must have on this ship, throwing out as much black dice as it does. A way to get even more damage to stick is with H9 Turbolasers.

Since you are always throwing out some blue dice, you should be able to get a guaranteed accuracy from them to lock down crucial Defense Tokens. This can spell doom to even the mighty Imperial Star Destroyer, all from a small Rebel ship. This 100 point monster will be cruising for large prey. Will you be ready to take on the MC30?

Barclay X-Wing Wrapper

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