Kamikaze Raider Deals With Rebel Squadrons

By Barclay Montgomery | October 10th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

Kamikaze Raider

Rebel squadrons got your Imperial game down? Just take them out with the Kamikaze Raider! That should ruin their best laid plans.

Kamikaze Raider Deals With Rebel Squadrons

Kamikaze Raider Deals With Rebel Squadrons

The often left behind Raider-II is the source of our build today. This little beast that could focus on a medium to close range engagement range that can be difficult to come out on top against other ships. As an anti-squadron platform, the Raider-II can really shine and make use of its anti-squad battery of 1 black, 1 blue. Instigator

First off, having a title can make those Rebel squadrons regret engaging your Raider. Instigator is a 4 point title that turns your small ship into 2 squadrons! Enemy squadrons at distance 1 are treated as being engaged by 2 additional squadrons, even if they are not currently engaged.

This creates a large patch of real-estate that you can use to tie down enemy squadrons that would otherwise be attacking your much more valuable ISD.

Quad Laser Turrets

Since those enemy squadrons will be engaged with Instigator, they must attack it. Make those Rebels suffer by giving your Raider Quad Laser Turrets. This gives Instigator Counter 1 and makes taking down those beefy Rebel squadrons a little easier. This can be comboed with Agent Kallus for more dice, but we are going with a different approach this time. Minister Tua

Minister Tua will occupy the Officer slot on Instigator. This opens up a defensive retrofit option for the Raider-II. This can be used to give it Electronic Countermeasures to protect its lone Brace, but we are going in yet a different direction with this. An option that can take out enemy squadrons even in death. Cluster Bombs

Cluster Bombs is 5 point defensive retrofit that kicks in after an enemy squadron performs an attack against you, even if you are destroyed. You may discard Cluster Bombs to roll 4 blue dice against that squadron and it suffers damage for each hit or crit icon rolled. This can put out a blast of 4 damage on a squadron that will take out almost any generic squadron that dares get close.

Those Rebel unique squads will be something else, but hopefully, Instigator had put some damage on those squads before going down as the Kamikaze Raider!

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