Director Krennic is mobilizing the Cymoon Star Destroyer to be a mobile artillery platform to take out any Rebel threat that gets in range.
The Imperial Cymoon Star Destroyer is a mobile artillery platform that can take out those Rebels at long range. Boasting an already impressive forward battery of 5 red and 2 blue dice. This normally would be problematic as red dice can be very difficult to hit their target, but the Empire is all about overwhelming firepower. Let’s take it even further!
Spinal Armament can give you even more red dice for your forward and rear batteries. Increasing your armaments up to 6 red dice out of your front arc can engage any ship that gets within range of your turbolasers. The only problem is getting all of these dice to be accurate. Director Krennic is here to make sure that the Cymoon gunners are on target!
Director krennic is an officer upgrade that kicks your concentrate fire commands into overdrive. While attacking at medium-long range, if you spent a concentrate fire dial, you may re-roll any number of red dice in your attack pool. Rolling 6 red dice and being able to re-roll them all is a huge boon for the clumsy Star Destroyer.
To get even more red dice for your Cymoon artillery, go with Quad Turbolaser Cannons. While attacking, if you roll a red accuracy icon, add another die set to the accuracy icon. These turbolaser batteries can give you up to 7 red dice that can all be re-rolled with the help of the ruthlessly ambitious Director Krennic!