Nebulons Rising: Star Wars Armada Ship Build

By Barclay Montgomery | April 24th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

Nebulon B

The humble Nebulon-B can be a ship to fear in the hands of an astounding Admiral like Leia Organa. The Imperial Star Destroyers won’t last long!.

The Nebulon-B is a small Rebel ship that can achieve greatness despite its small stature. Flown in a small squad of 2-4, these Nebulons can do some serious work. It may not look like much, but it can take a beating with its redundant Brace defense tokens and the Evade, ready to cancel dice at long range.

Nebulon-B Support Refit

Red dice out of its strong forward arc make this ship a viable sniper that, if it keeps its distance, can survive long enough to really do some damage. The right commander can make this ship sing! Leia Organa

Leia Organa is the best fleet Admiral for small ship fleets. She essentially gives ships 2 commands for the price of 1. When a friendly ship resolves a command by spending a command dial, it mat resolve that command as if it spent a matching command token. This can give you a concentrate fire command that adds an additional die, and then allows for a re-roll with your Leia “token”. This is a great way to improve the firepower and navigational capabilities of the Nebulon-B.

Nav Team

Nav Team is a brilliant support team option that can really help the Nebulon-B nav charts. These Nav Teams will make it so that your nav tokens can add 1 yaw to your maneuvers like a navigate command. With Leia as your admiral, this can give you up to 2 yaw to use if you go with a navigate command. This can turn the Nebulon-B into a Raider at speed 2 with all yaw options available. Intel Officer

The Nebulon-B has a forward battery of 3 red dice, which is perfect for an Intel Officer to take advantage of. An Intel Officer allows you to select a defense token while you are attacking; if that token is spent during your attack that token will be discarded. This can help you sneak some damage through by targeting key defensive tokens, like the coveted Brace. 

Since Imperial officers will not notice 3 red dice coming at their ships, especially with an Intel Officer, XX-9 Turbolasers can punish those Star Destroyers. This turbolaser has a critical ability that will force the defender to deal with the first 2 damage cards as face-up during an attack. Combined with an Intel Officer, your opponents will be hard-pressed for options once the Nebulon-B swarm shows up!

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About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.