New Avenger Build For Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | October 3rd, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

There is a new Imperial baddy in town! The Avenger was powerful before, but now the Empire has provided a new Star Destroyer that will sweep through the Rebellion!
The Imperial Star Destroyer Kuat Refit is a beast of a ship. This ship favors close range attack, and has the benefit of being able to equip an Ordnance upgrade, making it different from the ISD-I. This ship will want to fly aggressively and get into the thick of battle. 

The Avenger title has been more popular as of late due to a recent upgrade being released. Boarding Troopers allows you to spend a squadron token or dial and its card to exhaust defense tokens on an enemy ship at close range, equal to your squadron value. The ISD-I version has a squadron value of 4, but the Kuat Refit only has 2. This shouldn’t be a problem.

Since the Avenger title makes it so that exhausted defense tokens can not be used while defending against its attacks, Boarding Troopers all but signals an enemy ship’s doom. With a squadron value of 2, that should cover the most crucial defense tokens, such as Brace and Redirect.
Since the Kuat Refit has Ordnance, let’s go with Assault Concussion Missiles. This upgrade triggers on a black critical, and forces a damage onto each adjacent hull zone of the defending hull zone. This is a great way to sneak extra damage into a ship and prevent shields from being Redirected easily. If you fire on a ship with no shields, that can result in 2 extra facedown damage cards!
Since our weapon team slot is taken up by the Boarding Troopers, Ordnance Experts is not available. Have no fear, Leading Shots is here! Since each hull zone on the Kuat Refit features a blue dice, it can be spent in order to reroll any number of dice in your pool. This is a great build that can result in dead ships fast!

Will you fall to the Dark Side and use the Avenger to utterly destroy the Rebel ships? It is tempting.

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