NEW FAQ – Star Wars Armada Update & More

By Rob Baer | October 20th, 2015 | Categories: Star Wars Armada

star wars armada

Checkout the latest round of questions to be answered for Star Wars Armada from good guy Fantasy Flight Games! Come see the changes this time.



A lot of little clarifications this time, but some very nice ones on:

Mon Mothma – giving you an alternative way to spend Evade tokens, instead of a cumulative effect.

X17 Turbolasers – erring in favor of offense compared to the Advanced Projectors options. Because let’s face it Mon Cals with AP are going to be a problem!

Overlaping Squadrons – clarifications to get rid of opposing player shenanigans – getting free movement was getting a little silly for something can can only move about 6″ on average a turn.

Keep in mind too that FFG has an “unofficial” Armada FAQ on their forums as well, helps track rules issues between FAQ releases.

What changes are you most excited about?