New Wave 3 & 4 Battle Report – Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | November 9th, 2016 | Categories: Battle Reports, Star Wars Armada


Another awesome Star Wars Armada battle report in the bank for you fans out there! Check out the fleets from these bad boys. 2 MC80 Star Cruisers face off against 2 Imperial Star Destroyers in an epic battle of the largest ships in the Armada universe!


John’s List

MC80 Star Cruiser – Mon Karren + General Dodonna + Intel Officer + Spinal Armament + XI7Turbolasers + Gunnery Team + Medical Team

MC80 Star Cruiser – Liberty + Intel Officer + Spinal Armament + XI7Turbolasers + Gunnery Team + Medical Team

GR-75 Medium Transport – Leia Organa + Comms Net

GR-75 Medium Transport – Comms Net

Jan Ors, X-Wing x2, Dash Rendar


armada corruptor destroyer

James’ List

Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer –  Relentless + Intel Officer + Electronic Countermeasures + Leading Shots + XI7 Turbolasers + Gunnery Team

Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer –  Intel Officer + Electronic Countermeasures + XI7 Turbolasers + Gunnery Team

Raider I-Class Corvette –  Assault Proton Torpedoes

Gozanti-Class Cruisers – Admiral Motti + Comms Net


Objective: Contested Outpost