Raider, The Jack of All Trades? – Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | September 15th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

Hello again Armada fans! Another article here to discuss tactics in the ever changing Star Wars Armada game. Can the Raider do more that just pester capital ships?

The Raider is a fast and nimble ship that can be very devastating if used correctly. IT is deceptively difficult to use however, because its attack dice favor close range engagements while its defenses prefer to have it keep its distance. Blasting forward too far can get it shot down quickly. Being to timid with it can have it lagging behind. Careful positioning is key to protect this fragile scalpel in your toolbox. Squadrons seem to be a rare sight in a lot of lists these day as many people favor the big ships with big dice attacks. If you don’t have squadrons and your opponent does have them, you could be at a major disadvantage. Enter the Raider II.


The Raider II has 3 blue and 1 black dice out of its front firing arc. It can act as a ship harasser and can help engage squadrons as well. It has 1 blue and 1 black for anti squadron. You can maximize your anti-squadron dice with the Agent Kallus officer upgrade. His ability allows you to add any die while attacking a unique squadron. Swm18-agent-kallus

This combo allows you to fire a maximum of 3 damage or even 2 damage and an accuracy at a unique squadron. But the opponent could still brace. That’s when the Raider titles come into great effect. Add the Impetuous title, and you could put some major damage on any unique squadron that comes your way. Swm15-impetuous-raider

With Agent Kallus and the Impetuous title, you could attack twice at a unique squadron and add any dice you choose in those attacks. That’s crazy I tell ya! The Raider can be an effective ship that can attack capital ships effectively, take out squadrons with ease, and act as an activation buffer for your fleet. This ship can do it all. How would you run the Raider in your fleet?