Star Cruiser Bruiser: Star Wars Armada MC80

By Barclay Montgomery | February 20th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

Cruiser Bruiser

The Mon Calamari have refitted one of the pleasure yachts for destruction against the Empire in Star Wars Armada. Join the fight!

MC80 Star Cruiser

The MC80 Star Cruiser is a medium range beast of a ship. Favoring blue dice over reds, its forward battery is impressive with 3 blue and 3 reds in total. This ship will want to wait out activations and hope to catch Imperial ships at medium range so it can bring its full power to bear against them. Just keep the front towards the enemy as its 5 shielded front hull zone can brunt most of the damage, but its softer side arcs with 2 shields can be weak against concentrated fire. A viable tactic is to use your single Redirect if you are attacked in the sides to use those 5 shields, but this can only hold out against 1 attack. 
Quad Turbolaser Cannons

Since the red dice are fewer, make the most out of them with Quad Turbolaser Cannons. This turbolaser upgrade makes it so that each time you roll a red accuracy, you get to add an additional red die set to the accuracy icon to your attack pool. This can lock down those redundant defense tokens to make your attacks even more powerful, but watch out for Electronic Countermeasures Ships!H9 Turbolasers

If you don’t manage to roll a red accuracy natively, you can use H9 Turbolasers to help out. This upgrade allows you to change 1 die with a hit or crit into an accuracy, thereby gaining another red accuracy in the process! These accuracies can be re-rolled in the hopes of gaining more damage if you don’t need to lock down defenses, but ultimately it adds more dice to your attack pool, which is always a good thing!

Raymus Antilles

Raymus Antilles will be at the helm of this Star Cruiser to use his leadership to win the day. Raymus allows you to gain a matching command token to the command you reveal upon your activation, without spending the dial! This effectively gives you a 2-for-1 special on commands and concentrate fire can go a long way with this build, adding even more dice to your pool and getting that re-roll for those extra accuracy results that you need to do damage to ships!

SW-7 Ion Betteries

All is not lost if you have a dice pool of accuracy results, however, as SW-7 Ion Batteries are the money maker of this medium-range brawler. This Ion upgrade makes each of your unspent blue accuracy results into damage, which can be used to punch extra damage through by making your blue dice “never miss” since there are no blanks on blue dice! Use this accuracy producing monster to slay the enemies of the Rebellion in Star Wars Armada!

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