Star Wars Armada – The Rebel ISD Tactics!

By Barclay Montgomery | September 8th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

Liberty-sag MC80 Star Cruiser

If you’ve had a chance to test out the newest Rebel ship in the fleet, you already know that it’s a beast. I’m talking about the MC80 Star Cruiser, and it’s ready to knock out the Imperial fleet!

swm17- MC80 Star Cruiser

The MC80 Star Cruiser is able to dish out just as much, (if not more), damage per turn than the Imperial class Star Destroyer. Today we will discuss a build that will surely rip apart any ship that gets caught in your crosshairs.

Swm17-mon-karren MC80 Star Cruiser

The Mon Karren title is a nasty upgrade for your ship. It forces the opponent to choose only 1 defense taken to use each time you attack. This limits your options for your opponent, but it doesn’t stop there. Add an Intel Officer to your Mon Karren, and you can really put your opponent in a tight spot. So now they can only use one defense token, and you can target it with Intel Officer: bye bye Brace!

intel-officer MC80 Star Cruiser

I saw bye to the Brace token because it is the most coveted of all the defensive tokens, for both you and your opponent. Not being able to reduce incoming damage will quickly overload any ship, regardless of size or strength. Add in a XI7-Turbolasers, and your opponent can’t even use their Redirect tokens effectively. Holy cow that’s a lot of pain coming their way! Add a red die with Spinal Armament and you are really cooking!

Swm17-spinal-armament MC80 Star Cruiser

MC80 Star CruiserMon Karren + Intel Officer + Spinal Armament + XI7-Turbolasers + Gunnery Team = 133 points

That’s it for Star Wars Armada tactics. Try this ship out and see if you can make even the ISD a little scared. Stay classy!