Star Wars Armada – Super ISD Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | August 31st, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics


The Empire boasts that it has the might to conquer the Rebel fleet and this Star Destroyer build is sure to be the one to do it!


The undisputed Star Destroyer is the Imperial II Class. It has punch at all ranges and will punish any foe caught in its front arc. It also has tough defenses with 2 Redirects, ! Brace, and a Contain. If you are going for an aggressive style, you can equip the Devastator title.


This allows you to fire additional blue dice for every discarded defense token. We also need an aggressive admiral that cares not for paltry defense, but all out attack. The Dark Lord of the Sith: Dark Vader. He allows you to spend a defense token to roll any dice in your attack pool.


We have good synergy with these two already, but you can mitigate damage while you get into position with Captain Needa. He allows you to switch out one of your existing defense tokens with an evade. It will help cancel damage at range, and will also feed your Devastator ability at close range when an evade becomes useless. With extra blue dice, you will need to fix redundant accuracies, and SW-7 Ion Batteries help you turn those extra accuracy results into hits.


XI7-Turbolasers always are a good choice to make your enemies’ Redirects useless. This allows you to punch right through the hull zone that you target without your enemy being able to shift the damage around. So an example build would look like this.

Imperial II-class Star Destroyer –  Devastator + Darth VaderCaptain Needa+ Gunnery Team + Electronic Countermeasures + XI7 Turbolasers +SW-7 Ion Batteries = 193 points

Although this ship is nearly half of your fleet points, it will put out a massive amount pf damage, and any damage it receives in turn will make it hit even harder! Try it out and see how it works out!