Super Hammer Time! Star Wars Armada Loadout

By Barclay Montgomery | October 24th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics


The slow pounding crush of these Hammers will smash any Imperial Star Destroyer before them. Ring the bell of victory with the Hammerhead!Hammerhead Scout Corvette

The Hammerhead Scout will be plowing through Imperial fleets with ease with this build we have for you today! These small ships can pack a punch, and take a beating too. Having a forward battery of 2 red and 1 blue, this ship can get surprise you with the amount of damage it can punch through. It has the perfect upgrade suite for what we want to accomplish today, which will be the bane of large ships everywhere.

More Hammerheads are always better, so for the Scouts you want at the very least 2, but can do well with 3 or even 4 in your fleet, depending on how your points are looking. Slaved Turrets

Let’s start this build off by equipping Slaved Turrets. This turbolaser upgrade is a cheaper version of Spinal Armament, but with a small downside. While attacking a ship, add 1 red die to your attack pool. This can put out an attack pool of 3 red dice and 1 blue at medium range, and you can get up to 5 dice if you concentrate fire. The stipulation is that you cannot attack more than once per round. With its guns mostly concentrated in the forward battery, you aren’t missing out on much with its side arcs of 1 blue die. Task Force Organa

There is strength in numbers with the Hammerhead Scouts, and friends can help you roll better dice! Task Force Organa allows you to reroll dice when needed and rerolling those red dice can be a godsend. While attacking, you may exhaust a copy of this card on another friendly ship at distance 1-3 to re-roll up to 2 attack dice.

While this card is exhausted, you cannot attack ships. The trick is to get one TFO Hammerhead to start off the barrage, and then use that ship to exhaust TFO to get the most benefit out of the following ships’ rerolls. Boarding Engineers

The slow and methodical approach of the Hammerhead Scouts can pummel any ship that drifts into long range of their guns, and Boarding Engineers can help finish up the job once they get into close range. When you reveal a command, you may discard a squadron dial or token and Boarding Engineers to choose an enemy ship at close range and look at its facedown damage cards and flip a number of them faceup equal to your engineering value.

Having an engineering value of 2 may not seem game breaking, but if you kept your Hammerheads in formation, that could be a total of 4-6 damage cards being flipped face-up, depending on your Hammerhead numbers. Those facedown cards that were unassuming from your long-range barrages will now spell the doom of the Imperial fleet! 

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