Take out the Gladiator with Rebels MC75: Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | September 27th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics


Is the Demolisher wrecking through your Rebel fleet? Time to take out the Gladiator with one of your nasty ships: the MC75 Ordnance Cruiser!

Take out the Gladiator with Rebels MC75: Armada

Take out the Gladiator with Rebels MC75: Armada

Get ready for the ship that will hunt down the Demolisher, wherever it appears! The MC75 is a Rebel large ship with an interesting array of options for upgrades. With black dice galore in each firing arc, it will want to get in close and make use of ordnance upgrades.

It’s speed 1 maneuver has 2 clicks of yaw that can allow it to turn on a dime to pursue Imperial small ships. Interestingly, it has 2 Contain defense tokens, which will be the key to bringing down the dreaded Demolisher. Damage Control Officer

The Damage Control Officer is a 5 point officer that will make your redundant Contain tokens very difficult to ignore. Normally the Contain defense tokens only effect is to cancel the standard critical effect, which is to deal 1 faceup damage card to the defender if damage reaches the hull.

With Damage Control Officer, when you resolve the Contain defense effect, you can prevent the attacker from resolving any critical effects. What the does is that it takes the teeth out of the Demolisher’s attacks, which focus on critical effect ordnance such as Assault Proton Torpedoes or Assault Concussion Missiles. Not so with the Damage Control Officer!

Rapid Reload

Now that you have the Demolisher where you want it, send back some ordnance of your own. Rapid Reload increases the battery armament of your left and right hull zones by 1 black die. This makes 3 black dice and 3 red dice in your left and right firing arcs, which is a powerful arc to bring to bear on the Gladiator.

Most notably, this can make a double arc deadly with another ordnance upgrade.Wide-Area Barrage

Since the MC75 Ordnance Cruiser may equip 2 ordnance upgrades, Wide Area Barrage is your go-to for ultimate destruction. As a black critical effect, if the defender is a ship, choose 1 other ship or squadron at close range of the defender. That ship or squadron suffers damage equal to half the total number of black hit icons in your attack pool, rounded up.

With 3 black dice per the front and side arcs, you get a maximum of 3 black hits of you do not concentrate fire. This gives you the chance to deal out 2 damage in a Wide Area Barrage per firing arc.

This can decimate the Imperial fleet, and the Gladiator in one fell strike!

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