TIE Stronghold: SW Armada Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | September 20th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

The new Quasar Fire Carrier for the Imperials adds new elements of competitive play by swarming your foes with squadrons. Watch and learn!

The Quasar-I is an excellent squadron carrier platform that can add an element not before seen for Imperial fleets. Imperial squadrons tend to specialize in their tasks, TIE fighters being straight-up squadron hunters and TIE bombers go all-in on bombing ships. Go figure! But with the Quasar and Sloane as an Admiral, those TIE fighters can move to ships after dealing with enemy squadrons. But that’s for another article. Let’s focus on the TIE Stronghold! 

Stronghold is a 5 point title for the Quasar that makes all friendly squadrons with Swarm obstructed if they are at distance 1-2. This is a great way to avoid enemy flak from capital ships as most feature only 1 blue die for anti-squadron. If that Swarm squadron is obstructed, no dice are rolled! This also help at keeping the fragile TIE platform safe considering they have only 3 hull.

Flight Controllers is the perfect up weapons team upgrade for the Quasar since it will most likely be pushing squadrons around. Adding a blue dice to each squadron that you activate can equal fighter superiority in no time at all!

Disposable Capacitors can add an anti-ship element to your squadron carrier. Blue dice can be difficult to get into position at medium range as it also makes your ship vulnerable to enemy return fire. Being able to use your blue dice at long range for a turn can keep pressure on enemy ships while not risking your Quasar. It also allows you to damage enemy ships a turn early while the Quasar sets up its attack approach with squadrons.

Utilizing Swarm squadrons is a priority for this ship, and Howlrunner makes all Swarm fighters extremely potent. Being able to add a blue dice to any squadron with Swarm at range 1 of Howlrunner can be devastating. What’s more is the Swarm reroll! This can end an X-wing in one volley. Dengar can further boost your squadrons efficiency by giving all friendly squadrons within range 1-2 Counter. This can make your TIE fighters, or Interceptors, just as deadly while they are defending.If you use TIE Interceptors with all the tools we already have, they will murder enemy squadrons. The dream turn for them is to be activated by Stronghold, have 6 blue anti-squadron dice, with Swarm reroll, and have Counter 4. This will be the squadron killer fleet for sure!

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