Victory Sniper Destoryer: SW Armada Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | June 27th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

star destoryer

The Victory is going to be back in a big way once the next expansion of Star Wars Armada hits. Find out how you can make it great again.

The Victory II is a great ship for its cost. It may even outshine bigger and more expensive larger ships once wave 6 hits Armada tables. Having an ISD as a very expensive activation may be a hindrance when the damage output of a smaller ship if just as effective. Let’s start kitting this bad boy out to be a monster.

Disposable Capacitor will turn the Victory into a sniper ship. When you activate, you may discard this card to include blue dice at long range until the end of the round. This is a great way to get some early damage in in the early rounds of the game when ships may only be at long range and using red dice. Blue dice are far more accurate than fickle red dice, and adding both red and blue to your dice pool makes it even better. Since this lasts only 1 activation, let’s makes sure those Capacitors are worth it.

Gunnery team will be a great choice for the sniper Victory since you can bring your full forward battery to bare against 2 targets. This is huge in being able to pump out massive damage without facing the full volleys of return fire from enemy ships. Now let’s work on keeping those dice accurate and hitting their targets.

H9 Turbolasers is a great upgrade that can allow you to change a hit or a crit into an accuracy. If you roll your dice pool and get all hits/ crits, but no accuracy, half of your damage is likely to get Braced away. Use this uprgrade to lock down that pesky Brace and make sure your damage gets through.

To makes things even more efficient, add the Warlord title to your Victory. This seldom used upgrade could see more use with the prevalence of the Disposable Capacitors and chucking blue dice at long range. This title allows you to change a die with a accuracy into a hit. Important to note, this works for red dice with 2 hits! Roll your pool, turn an hit into an accuracy, Warlord that accuracy into a double hit. Simple!

Will the humble Victory have its time in the spotlight now? Do you think that it will be more effective than the larger Imperial Class Star Destroyer? We shall have to wait and see.

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