Wave 5 Empire Vs Empire: SW Armada Battle Report!

movie star wars

Welcome back Armada maniacs, today we’ve got another awesome battle report from the Long War studio! This is a good old fashioned Imperial Vs Imperial!

Star Wars Armada super fans James and Blake are here to give us a taste of what it’s like to do battle in a Galaxy Far Far Away!  Today we’ve got some awesome Imperial on Imperial fleet action featuring multiple Star Destroyers!

James and Blake

James is bringing a mixed fleet led by an iconic Imperial Star Destroyer Mk-II and backed up by multiple Demolisher class Star Destroyers.  Rounding out his fleet it a couple of Gozanti frigates and some Firesprays!

James' FleetBlake is bringing another Imperial Star Destroyer Mk-II, but he’s backing it up with an Interdictor Cruiser, and Arquiten’s cruiser and Howl Runner’s Tie Swarm.

Blake's Fleet

Both of these awesome fleets feature some kickass repaints customizing them for their players.

As they face off across the battlefield, both fleets setup trying to avoid the minefield the scenario has placed in the center of the table.

Turn 1Blake opens up turn one by skirting around the minefield, but unfortunately his Interdictor runs right into a mine and takes the full brunt of the blast.  Who will win this showdown between Imperial fleets?

Check out the whole video battle report to find out who wins!