You Dare Face Me? Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | January 23rd, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

The Raider

The Raider is not a ship to take lightly. Agent Kallus will bring fear to the Rebel squadrons that have been harassing the Empire!

Raider I-class Corvette

The Imperial Raider-I Class Corvette is a small ship that can be a nightmare for the Rebels. This ship lives fast and dies hard, of you aren’t careful. With 4 hull and 2 shields in every arc, it can take some hits, but won’t last long under concentrated fire. Preferring to get in close with its black dice, its defensive suite can be misleading as it prefers to take hits at long range with its redundant Evades. Keep your distance but don’t look like you’re keeping your distance! Agent Kallus

Agent Kallus will be on board the Raider-I, ready to punish Rebel squadrons. While attacking a unique squadron, Agent Kallus allows you to add a die of any color to your attack pool. With 2 black dice already for its anti-squadron battery, another may be overkill, but a blue or red die can add tech options like an accuracy to pin down Rebel defenses. Instigator

To lock those Rebels down just where you want them, equip your Raider with the Instigator title. This title makes it so that your small based ship counts as 2 squadrons and can engage other squadrons. This can lock down key bombers from attacking your larger, more valuable ships. But this also leaves the Instigator vulnerable to enemy bomber fire!Quad Laser Turrets

Quad Laser Turrets can act as a deterrent to those enemy bombers that you have locked down with Instigator. While you are defending at distance 1, if the attacker is a squadron you have Counter 1. Since this counts as an attack, Agent Kallus can add a die of your choice to your attack pool. 1 blue and 1 black will be the same as a Raider-II and can punch those squadrons back for attacking Instigator! 
Flechette Torpedoes

That single black die from your counter can really make it hurt with Flechette Torpedoes. This ordnance upgrade allows you to spend 1 black die with a crit icon while attacking a squadron to toggle its activation slider to the activated side. This can work either from your anti-squadron attacks or even from your Counterattacks. Lock those Rebel squadrons down and prevent them from firing upon your ships with Agent Kallus and his Raider!

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