Epic Jedi Squad For Star Wars Destiny

By Barclay Montgomery | June 2nd, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

Are you ready to gang up on the Villains with some Hero power? Check out this new Hero build for Star Wars Destiny that will have the Villains running away!

First this deck starts off with Luminara Unduli. She is perfect for pairing up with generic characters since she buffs them so well. Her special ability allows you to resolve a generic character’s die and increase it by 3! This is a huge leap in potential damage. This can take a Padawan’s die of 2 melee to 5 melee in one resolution! Scary

The Padawan fits nicely in this deck, and has a passive benefit of reducing the cost of weapons by 1. The perfect candidate for Lightsaber, and Lightsaber has Redeploy, so even better. Or you could increase the Padawan’s focus to make it a whopping 4.

The Jedi Acolyte fits well into this deck, being a generic and all. His ability also boosts his character die. If another die is showing the same symbol as his die, you increase it by an additional 1. So if the Acolyte resolves his melee die, and your Padawan has melee, you can add 1 for his ability, and add 3 if Luminara resolves her special. Another 5 melee from 1 die!

Force Protection is a nice upgrade for this deck.It can give your characters shields with its special ability and the discard on its die can boost the Jedi Acolyte with his ability. Not bad for 3 resources. In a pinch, it can also allow you to swap out for Lightsaber or even Luke’s Lightsaber.

Since you have so many Blue characters, One With the Force can really boost your characters after one of them inevitably goes down. This can make your characters even more powerful in death than in life. Is BLue  Heroes the answer to other Villain decks out there? Try it out and see for yourself!

Barclay X-Wing Wrapper

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