A Better Battle Cruiser: Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | August 15th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

battle cruiser

The MC80 Battle Cruiser is ready to provide long-range fire support for the Rebel fleet. This ship will be able to blast those Star Destroyers apart!MC80 Battle Cruiser

A Better Battle Cruiser: Star Wars Armada

The MC80 Battle Cruiser is a red dice machine that has a strong front firing arc for the Rebel fleet. It can withstand heavy barrages of Turbolaser fire with its 5 shield sin in front, but it can’t hold out forever.

Redundant Braces help ensure its survival, however, and it can dish out some impressive firepower itself.Spinal Armament

Spinal Armament can make the MC80 forward arc even more deadly. Adding another red die to its forward and rear firing arcs can make all the difference. 5 red dice from the forward arc can put a hurting on any ship that gets too close, especially small and medium ships. Caitken and Shollan

Getting all of those red dice to hit their target can be a challenge, however. Caitken and Shollan help make the most of those red dice barrages. This 6 point weapons team allows you to re-roll any number of dice of 1 color while you are attacking. This can help with those blank reds that all to often show up in your dice pool. Heavy Turbolaser Turrets

Losing Gunnery Team on such a strong forward arc can be a gamble, but we can make the most out of our firepower. Heavy Turbolaser Turrets can force our opponent’s hand by lowering their defenses.

While attacking, the Brace defense effect cannot reduce the damage total by more than 1 unless it is the only defense token spent by the defender during the attack. This can force our opponent to use only a Brace, which they were probably going to use anyway. But, by preventing the use of another defense token, like Redirect, can hinder its defensive properties.

Intel Officer

To further make your opponent’s ships feel the burn, an Intel Officer can be deadly. This 7 point Officer allows you to select a defense token, and if your opponent spends it during this attack they must discard that token.

Combined with Heavy Turbolaser Turrets, this can snipe the Brace out of most ships that get within range of the MC80. Make those Star Destroyers pay with the better Battle Cruiser.

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