Corvette Brawler: Star Wars Armada Tactics

By Barclay Montgomery | November 9th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

The Rebels are getting super aggressive in their tactics. The humble Corvette is poised to strike at close range. Imperial ships beware!

The Corvette B is a medium and close range brawler type ship. It favors Ion upgrades but can seem to be rather weak in the way it must expose itself in order to engage targets. This build will seek to minimize the return fire and can help punch its way out of a fight.

High Capacity Ion Turbines is an Ion upgrade that adds 1 blue die to each of your side arcs. Since the Corvette B has 3 blue out of the front and 2 blue out of its sides, might as well boost your dice pool. Being able to throw 3 blue dice out of each firing arc is a great way to set up double arcs and blast away at Star Destroyers.

Engine Techs is a fantastic upgrade that can help the Corvette boost around the battlefield. After you execute a maneuver, you can perform a free speed 1 boost. This can help you get in close to fire all your batteries, but it can also help you ram a ship for extra damage, straight through shields onto hull!

Lando Calrissian is a fantastic officer for the close range Corvette B. While you are defending, you may discard Lando to force an opponent to reroll 1 or more of its attack dice. This can target black dice and red dice to hope for blanks. A lucky reroll can save your Corvette B in a pinch.

The Corvette B is a scrappy fighter that may seem weak, but if you build  it right it can become an Imperial officer’s worst nightmare!

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