Cymoon Sniper: Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | May 17th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics


This Imperial Star Destroyer will not let any Rebel ships escape its grasp. The Cymoon is geared up and ready for long range engagements there is no escaping it in Armada.

imperial star destroyer cymoon

The Cymoon ISD is tailor-made for long range combat with its 5 red dice battery in its front arc. This beast also features the Fleet Command slot on it, so we will have to make do with our investment wisely. Its side arcs feature 3 blue and 1 red die so medium range is preferable. Let’s make the most of our powerful front arc with this ship. gunnery team

On any ISD-II or Cymoon build, you can’t go wrong with Gunnery Teams. Being able to bring your most powerful arc to bear on multiple enemies is a great way to go. If you time it just right, you may be able to destroy 2 enemy ships in 1 activation. That could deal a crushing blow to any fleet, Rebel or Imperial. Make the most of your forward battery of 5 red dice. intensify firepower

Intensify Firepower! is a great Fleet Command option when you are dealing with the Cymoon. Since Red dice can be very fickle at long range, it is a worthwhile investment to depend on this upgrade to make sure that at least 1 blank result can be changed to 1 hit. Just make sure you have a Concentrate Fire command token on hand when you bring your Cymoon into range to unleash its firepower. quad turbolaser cannons

Since we are throwing 5 red dice at long range, Quad Turbolaser Cannons can be a nice option to lock down enemy defenses. This turbolaser upgrade makes it so that whenever you are attacking if at least 1 red die has an accuracy icon, you may add 1 more red die set to on accuracy. This can lock down those 2 Evade defense tokens on a CR-90 Corvette, which will really put it in a tough spot. Adding another die has other utility options as well.h9 turbolasers

Since the Cymoon ISD has 2 turbolaser slots, go with H9 Turbolasers to add further damage to your attack pool. While attacking, you may change 1 die face with a hit or crit to an accuracy. If you didn’t roll any accuracies results naturally, H9 can turn one of your red dice into an accuracy, and then Quad Battery Cannons will give you another.

Not a bad combo at long range. Give the Rebels no quarter as you attack from long range with the Cymoon Sniper!

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