Flagship Interdictor: Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | December 12th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

The Interdictor is a powerful support ship but could be much more than that. This tough ship can serve as your flagship to lead your Imperial fleet.

The Interdictor is the ultimate tank of a ship, so what better place to put your commander? This ship can heal a hull point with a single engineering token, so a command plus the token can go a long way. Its Experimental Retrofits are one of a kind as well for controlling the battlefield.

The Grave Well Projector is an excellent way of limiting your opponent’s deployment zone. By limiting a ship to be a speed 0 if its at distance 1-3 of the Grav Well token, all the better for your battle plan.

The Grav Shift Reroute can manipulate the battlefield by pushing obstacles around. This is the only ability in the game that can influence obstacle placement after they have been placed and can be powerful in further limiting your opponent’s maneuvers.

Admiral Sloane is a fantastic admiral to add to your Interdictor flagship. Her ability to enhance your squadrons can be a useful tool in an already deep toolbox. The perfect squads to add to this can be the mighty TIE Defender. 

With Sloan at the helm of your fleet, the TIE Defender will be happy with any die result it has when attacking ships. A crit means damage with faceup damage potential, a hit is a hit, and accuracy allows you to spend an opponent’s defense tokens. Get you kicks with Sloane and her Interdictor flagship!

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