Forward Firing Carrier: Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | December 14th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

The MC80 Liberty is a ship to ship fighter, but it has more uses than that. Come and see a new way to fight for the Rebellion.

The MC80 is a powerful forward firing arc ship  that can decimate Imperial ships that get to close. But it can become even more powerful if you think outside the box and dig deeper into its potential. It may not look like a carrier but can be made to be with the right upgrades.

The namesake Liberty title can turn the MC80 into a squadron pusher. With Liberty, your squadron tokens may activate 1 additional squadron. With its squadron value of 2 and a token, Liberty can push 4 squadrons in one turn. This can send 4 bomber squadrons to weaken an enemy’s defenses before you open up with your powerful turbolasers.

Hondo Ohnaka is a great officer to add to the Liberty. At the start of the Ship phase, you can use Hondo to give Liberty its squadron token on turn 1 and it will be set up for more useful commands later in the game. Hondo also has the side benefit of giving you opponent tokens that he may not need. A good way to start your fleet off on the right track.

Being a carrier ship can have its advantages. Once you have made your attack approach on the enemy, you can slow the Liberty down to get the most out of its forward batteries. Quad Battery Turrets can net you another blue die to add to your salve if you manage to keep you speed lower than your targets.

A lot to coordinate, but if successfully orchestrated, a Rebel fleet is hard to beat!

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