Forward Unto Victory! Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | September 12th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics


You can teach an old ship new tricks! The Victory Star Destroyer can be a force multiplier if it is equipped to destroy Rebels at a distance!

Victory 1-class Star Destroyer

The Victory I-class Star Destroyer is your best bang for your points in Star Wars Armada. This medium ship has been hitting tables since the earliest days of Armada and it’s not hard to see why.

At 73 points and 8 hull, this ship can already do well without any upgrades. But upgrades can help it get an extra edge on the ever sneaky Rebels. Warlord

The Victory-I may have trouble getting damage to stick with 2 red dice at long range, but the Warlord title can help. While attacking, you may change an accuracy icon to a face with a hit icon. This can be a red double hit, so make sure you go for those.

This upgrade is a dice fixer for sure, as it can help with fickle red dice. Use the black dice in your armament as a deterrent rather than an active part of your battery. Enhanced Armament

Since the Victory-I’s main weakness is getting outmaneuvered, cover your side arcs by adding more dice. Enhanced Armament adds 1 red die to your battery armaments in your left and right hull zones.

This means that your front and sides arcs all have 3 red dice, so your enemies aren’t safe no matter which arc they try and dodge. Even better if you manage to get a double arc on an enemy ship with 6 red dice!

Veteran Gunners

Since there is no need for Gunnery Teams on a Victory-I go with Veteran Gunners instead. This weapons team allows you to exhaust its card to re-roll all dice in your attack pool.

Which is particularly useful when your red dice really miss their target, as it can make your red dice perform better. Warlord is useful here as well in case you re-roll too many accuracy results. Get your Victory going with this slow, brutal, and cost-efficient Imperial build!

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