Furious Fish: MC-75 in Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | January 24th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

The MC-75 is ready to enter the battle for space supremacy in Star Wars Armada! This ship will but out damage at any range, so beware the fury!

The MC75 is a hulk of a Rebel ship. This ship can be dangerous at any range with its barrage of long-ranged and close ranged dice from its sides The front arc of this ship is beefy and will make an Imperial Raider think twice about sneaking into its front arc. 

Th first ship to sport 2 Ordnance slots, the MC75 can go whole hog on close ranged damage madness. External Racks can be equipped to take advantage of a double arc by adding 2 black dice to your attack pool for 1 attack.

A new Ordnance upgrade to hit the shelves is Wide-Area Barrage. This 2 point upgrade needs a black crit to activate and does splash damage to ships near the defender. If the defender is a ship, choose 1 other ship or squadron at close range of the defender.That ship or squadron suffers damage equal to half of the total number of black hit icons in your attack pool rounded up. For instance, if the MC75 attacks a ship an uses its External Racks, it rolls 4 black dice. You need 1 crit to activate, and you roll 1 hit /crit and 3 hits. The black crit activates the WAB and a ship at range 1 of the defender suffers 2 damage. Not a bad way to spread around some pain! 

If you are going to be depending on your black dice to be doing massive damage, always go with Ordnance Experts. Being able to reroll any of your black dice is huge for any close range assault type ship.

The Rebels have a new big bad ship for the Empire to deal with. Use it in your next assault against the Imperials!

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