Goran’s Stronghold: Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | March 8th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

The Empire has tasked Instructor Goran to deal with the increasing Rebel fighter threat in Star Wars Armada. Enlist now, TIE pilots!

The Quasar is the ultimate Imperial squad pusher, and with a new officer at the controls, it can be a menace to Rebel fighters. This build will be a squadron bunker from which your Imperial Aces can attack at will and gain bonuses to attack and defense. 

Instructor Goran in a new officer upgrade that can boost your TIE Fighters and Interceptors. While a friendly non-Heavy squadron is at distance 1-2, it has counter 1 or increases its counter value by 1. This acts much like Dengar’s ability and can even gain synergy to make your TIEs just as dangerous on the defensive as they are when swarming your opponent. 

The Stronghold title will work to boost the defenses of your TIE fighters in a range 1-2 bubble like Instructor Goran. While a friendly squadron with Swarm at range 1-2 is defending the attack is treated as obstructed. This can make your TIE fighters immune to ship flak and make it more difficult for enemy X-Wings from destroying your squadrons. 

Howlrunner is the ultimate TIE booster that can make your fighters pack some extra punch. Adding a blue dice to any attack for a Swarm squadron can snowball quickly with Instructor Goran. Your TIE Fighters and Interceptors are going to be beasts on the offense and defense.

Dengar is often the wingman to Howlrunner, and he is packing more surprises than just Intel. Giving other friendly squadrons Counter 1 or increasing their Counter by 1 works hand in hand with Instructor Goran. 

The TIE Interceptor will benefit most from this build. When we put it all together, your generic Interceptor will have a 5 blue dice attacking and will be packing a staggering Counter 5, all with that sweet Swarm reroll. Say goodbye to any Rebel fighters that dare cross your path in Armada! 

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