Hera’s Specters Build: Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | April 26th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

Hera is ready to lead her own strike squad against the Empire in Star Wars Armada. Check out this squadron group build that can work independently from the Rebel fleet.

Hera Syndulla has weathered the latest Armada FAQ and has come out on the other side unscathed. As a VCX-100 without Relay, she is not as affected by the nerf. She can still focus on her main mission, which is to give squadrons at distance 1-2 the Rogue keyword at the start of the Squadron Phase. Being Rogue herself, this can work out beautifully by allowing you to form a Rogue squadron group that can work independently of your main fleet.

Since this Rogue group will function best during the squadron phase, you may have to take some early hits in the form of an enemy squadron alpha strike. This is fine with a Escort squadron that can take the hits. Wedge Antilles is a fantastic squadron that can provide cover for your Rogue group. He also has an ability that can come into effect in the Squadron phase. While Wedge is attacking an enemy squadron that has already been activated, he may add 2 blue dice to his attack. Since he will most likely be attacked before the squadron phase, he can counter with a massive attack of 6 blue dice!

Even if Wedge can weather the storm and manage to fight an unactivated squadron, his wingman Dutch has him covered. Dutch has an ability to toggle an enemy squadron’s activation slider after he damages it. This can turn on Wedge’s ability or at the very least deal an additional damage to an enemy squadron that has already activated. This 3 ship Rogue combo can take flight on its own and harass enemy ships or bring the squadron fight away from your main fleet.

Not bad for Hera and her Specters!

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