Interdictor Tank: Star Wars Armada

interdictor tank star wars armada

The Interdictor Tank can be deceptively tough to take down in Star Wars Armada. This beast of a ship will take anything the Rebels can throw at it and keep on truckin’

interdictor tank star wars armada

The Interdictor Tank is a medium based ship in the Imperial fleet with an ever-changing role. It can be an effective platform for healing other ships with its Shield Projectors, or as an objective focused ship with its Experimental Retrofits. This ship introduces yet another archetype: the super tank. interdictor tank star wars armada

The Interdictor title will come in handy with its bevy of upgrade cards. Whenever a ship activates, you may exhaust the Interdictor title to ready 1 other upgrade equipped. This can get double the mileage of exhaustible cards and may result in big bonuses for the Interdictor. interdictor tank star wars armada

One such upgrade that gets amazing value is Captain Brunson. While defending at distance 1-2 of an obstacle, you may exhaust Captain Brunson to cancel 1 attack die. This can get rid of dice that can do major damage to the Interdictor, such as a red double hit or black hit/ crit. With the Interdictor title, you may ready Captain Brunson to be used again against further attacks in the round.

interdictor tank star wars armada

To make sure those obstacles are within reach of Captain Brunson, use Grav Shift Reroute. This upgrade allows you to set up a token anywhere in the play area and can allow you to move obstacles that are within distance 1-3 of it. This occurs after fleet deployment, so you can either send obstacles directly in your enemy’s flight path or closer to your Interdictor to take advantage of Captain Brunson. interdictor tank star wars armada

To increase defenses, a Targeting Scrambler can further boost this tank’s effectiveness. While a friendly ship at distance 1-3 is defending against an attack at close range, you may exhaust Targeting Scrambler to force the attacker to re-roll up to 4 attack dice. This can be either the Interdictor itself or another friendly being attacked. If you choose carefully, this can result in an overall damage decrease. It’s best to choose dice that cannot get worse with the reroll, such as red double hits or black hit/crits. interdictor tank star wars armada

Now that all defenses are covered, Disposable Capacitors can boost your offense. The Interdictor has 3 blues and 1 red die in its front and side batteries, and this can be extended with Disposable Capacitors. The ability to fire blue dice at long range can gain you an extra round of attacks on an enemy ship.

interdictor tank star wars armada

Heavy ion Emplacements fits perfectly with Disposable Capacitors for an early game attack. At long range, you can attack with your blue dice, and hopefully gain a crit in order to force the defending hull zone, and each adjacent hull zone, to lose 1 shield. This is most effective early in the match when enemy ships are at full shields. The effectiveness of this upgrade decreases as the battle rages on. Enemy ships could be absent shields but that is also a win in the Interdictors case!

So there you have it. Now that you know all its secrets, the Interdictor Tank could be exactly the secret powerhouse your fleet needs.

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