Kitten Plays Keep Away: Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | April 3rd, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

The Imperials have a new Arquitens build that favors long range combat, against the best wishes of aggressive Star Destroyer captains.

The Arquitens is an anomaly amongst the brutish close range brawlers of the Imperial fleet. This small ship prefers long-range combat, which most Imperil a Admirals would say is not the way of the Empire. But this ship will be able to put out the damage and keep on ticking once you see the new upgrades to this model.

At long range, your Evade defense tokens are at their most valuable, as they allow you to completely remove an attack die of your choice when defending. Captain Needa can give you more bang for your evasion buck by allowing you to replace your Contain with an Evade. This can also synergize with the Arquitens weapons platform. 

Turbolaser Reroute Circuits is the premier Turbolaser upgrade for a ship that favors long range combat. While attacking, you may spend 1 evade defense token to change one of your red dice to a side with 2 hits or a side with 1 crit. Since you now have a redundant evade, its the perfect choice for this little Arquitens.

To further keep the Arquitens ship safe at longer ranges, an Early Warning System is fantastic as a defensive retrofit. With the large side arcs that the Arquitens has, these would be great targets for your Early Warning System. At the start of each ship phase, you may choose 1 of your hull zones and give it a chaff token. Until the end of the round, any attack targeting that hull zone will be considered obstructed. Being obstructed at long range basically a shot not worth taking, and you still have the ability to fully evade a die at long range. This ship will be a hard target to lock down! Keep your Commander on this Arquitens and it won’t go down easily!

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