Liberty or Death: SW Armada Tactics

The Rebels need a ship that can take the Empire head on with superior firepower. This Liberty build will push the limits of Rebel aggressiveness.

The MC80 Liberty has not be seen for a while in Rebel space, but this ship is coming back in a big way. Even though it may be a large base ship, it may not be able to match an Imperial Star Destroyer head on. Knowing this fact, the MC80 can be an effective medium to small ship killer. Let’s begin the upgrade onslaught with Mon Karren.

Mon Karren is a powerful title upgrade that can make it so that while you are attacking an enemy ship, it may use only 1 defense token. This can force hard decisions on your opponent which can either way spell doom for smaller ships. Being able to only brace an attack can result in hull damage in one attack.

Since the MC80 Star Cruiser favors blue dice, we can boost their effectiveness with SW-7 Ion Batteries. While attacking a ship, each of your unspent accuracy icons adds 1 damage to the damage total.

Since Mon Karren is not concerned with accuracy results, this can boost your damage output exponentially, resulting in dead ships fast.

Since it has such a powerful front arc, Mon Karren will want to use Gunnery Team.

This can result in 2 enemy ships that will be critically damaged if both are caught within range of its powerful battery. This can gain more mileage out of the Mon Karren title since it is always in effect and does not require exhausting its card, much to the chagrin of Avenger players everywhere!

The MC80 will more than likely be concerned with Navigating and Engineering as its commands. Its maneuver range can sometimes be difficult to catch enemy ships off guard, but Engine Techs can help. Remaining at speed 2 can allow you to either go down to speed 1 or stay at speed 2 and use Engine Techs to get an effective speed 3 move in one activation.

Keep navigating and keep your enemies in your powerful front arc, and Mon Karren will claim more Imperial ships! 

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