Nebulon Salvation: Armada Build

By Barclay Montgomery | April 24th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

The Nebulon-B may have taken a hit in the latest Armada FAQ, but it is still going strong! Time to meet the Salvation Nebulon.

The humble Nebulon-B can either be a surgical instrument in the right hands or free points for your opponent. This ship rewards those who take the time to use it well, and focus on its strengths rather than weaknesses. This ship is designed to go head on at the enemy, no more-no less.

It favors its front arc most of all with 3 shields and 2 Brace defense tokens. This can withstand an impressive amount of firepower, and can value further with its Evade and being long-range focused. Its weak side arcs can be a glaring target, but a savvy Rebel admiral will maneuver this ship in order to mitigate its vulnerability.

Since the Nebulon-B will want to focus on its front arc attacks, Salvation is an excellent title. While attacking a ship from your front arc, each critical icon counts as 2 damage. This can result in attacks that can top 6 damage from 3 red attack dice. Also of note is that those critical icons still count for the standard critical effect of assigning a face-up damage card.

The Nebulon-B is a ship that can hang in the back of your fleet and finish off weakened ships. Therefore, it is advisable to slow roll with Salvation and keep it at Speed 1. This has great synergy with Quad Battery Turrets.

This turbolaser upgrade allows you to roll a blue dice into your attack pool if your speed is lower than that of your target. Since the average speed of most ships is 2, the Salvation can more often than note make use of that extra blue die. This is great as any side of the blue die can benefit Salvation: adding an accuracy, hit, or crit. Don’t forget that those crits counts as 2 damage! 

Raymus Antilles make any ship he is on even better with his ability to give you more for your commands. When you reveal a command, you may gain 1 matching command token for free. This can serve Salvation well with Concentrate Fire commands. Adding an extra blue die at long range, and then allowing a reroll is fantastic.

This ship sniper is lying in wait to crush those Empire ships that seek to evade battle. Make them think twice about the Nebulon-B!

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