Squad Up with Sato Scout in Star Wars Armada

By Barclay Montgomery | October 17th, 2018 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics


Commander Sato is bringing up the Scurrg squadrons to take on the Empire! These hardy bombers will perform bombing runs with MC30 support.

Squad Up with Sato Scout in Star Wars Armada

Squad Up with Sato Scout in Star Wars Armada

The MC30 Scout is a small ship that is the stuff of nightmares for Imperial Admirals. This sturdy small ship can attack at both long and close ranges effectively and can be very difficult to take down. Redundant Evades and Redirects make the most of its hefty bevy of shields and can dish out the pain as it approaches its targets. Having open slots for both Turbolasers and Ordnance can make this ship even more deadly at any range. Commander Sato

Commander Sato is a Rebel genius when it comes to taking out the big Imperial ships. Favoring squadron tactics, Sato can boost your ship to ship combat with your fighter escorts. When a friendly ship is attacking a ship at distance 1 of a friendly squadron, the attacker may replace up to 2 dice of any color in its attack pool.

This can work wonders for the MC30 Scout as it can turn its 2 red dice in its side arcs to black dice to take advantage of ordnance at long range. Scurrg H-6 Bomber

The key to getting Sato’s fleet to work is getting some sturdy bombers to start bombing runs on enemy ships. The Scurrg H-6 Bomber is perfectly suited for this role, as it has a healthy 6 hull that can keep it in the fight longer to give you that Sato distance 1 requirement.

The Scurrg is also no slouch when it comes to its bomber capability, having 1 black and 1 blue anti-ship battery. Grit can also come in handy if you are engaged with only 1 enemy squadron as its pitiful anti-squadron battery of 2 blue dice won’t do much. Heavy Turbolaser Turrets

Heavy Turbolaser Turrets can get some much-needed mileage against Imperials large ships. Acting as an XI-7 for Brace tokens, this upgrade can put your enemy into a tough spot. While the MC30 is attacking, the Brace defense effect cannot reduce the damage total by more than 1 unless it is the only defense token spent by the defender during the attack.

Since your opponent is going to most likely be spending this token anyway, make it so that he cannot Redirect the remaining damage to other hull zones and can make ships more vulnerable to black dice critical effects.

Assault Proton Torpedoes

Assault Proton Torpedoes is a great upgrade for the MC30 Scout, as it can allow you to get black critical effects going off at long range with Sato. Turn those 2 red dice into black dice, roll for damage, reroll with your Ordnance Experts, and get those free faceup damage cards going early for those ISDs!

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