Star Wars Armada – Flotillas a Secret Powerhouse?

By Barclay Montgomery | May 11th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics


Hey there Armada fans! We have another preview for the flotillas that just came out, this time showcasing the Rebel Transports. 

These little buggers may be more powerful in the game than previously thought. Flotillas are not strong through raw firepower but in the way that they support your fleet.

They will be a very important asset that you will want to have that enhances your fleet. Let’s take a look.

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The noble Rebel Transport come in 2 versions: Combat Retrofit and Medium Transport. Surprising at first is the fact that the Medium Transport lacks any offensive capabilities but they are used in much more effective ways. A Medium Transport could equip Extended Hangar Bay and serve as a squadron activator instead of using a larger capital ship as a carrier. This frees up the large capital ship to engage the enemy and contest objectives.

Equip Bomber Command Center on your Medium Transport and you have a carrier ship that can allow bomber squadrons to re-roll a single attack die. This maximizes your bombers and helps push damage through capital ship shields.

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Two new fleet support upgrades in this expansion are the Jamming Field and Slicer tools. These two are amazing upgrades that can change the course of the battle. If your squadrons are engaged with other squadrons, Jamming Field helps to obstruct enemy attacks. It’s a wonderful 2 point upgrade that can help your B-Wings survive even more damage as they duke it out with enemy squadrons. Slicer Tools is more for capital ship engagement. It allows you to choose and enemy ship at range 1-3 and choose a new command on its top command dial! This is huge as it allows you to alter your opponent’s strategy on the fly and allows you to react to his maneuvers with unprecedented accuracy.

So there you have it! These little ships have way more to offer than just extra firepower for your fleet. The Rebel flotillas will be the superior version of carrier ships that will help you enhance your squadrons and even your other capital ships. Until next time!

Whatever flotillas your boat.