Storm of Iden: Star Wars Armada Raider Build

By Barclay Montgomery | May 15th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics

The Special Forces of the Empire are leading a head-long charge straight into the Rebel fleet. The Raider will be their platform of destruction.

The Raider-I has just gotten a lot more dangerous in Armada. Already boasting an impressive battery of dice at close ranges, the Raider is truly a small ship to fear. It prefers to lie in wait, taking advantage of its redundant Evades to keep it safe at distance before closing the gap.

Once in close range, the Raider can bring its impressive weaponry to bear on Rebel ships before jetting away to safety.

Iden Versio is a newly teased officer upgrade for the Imperials. She makes the Raider platform even better! When you resolve the Evade defense effect, you can cancel 1 die at close range or distance 1. This will turn your Raider into a much more durable ship, as normally your Evades are useless at close range. Iden also brings in a squadron command action that allows you to assign 1 raid token of your choice to an enemy ship at close range. This can really mess with an enemy ship that was waiting for a crucial command to save it. But there is no safe space here.

Darth Vader is also on board this Raider to deliver yet another blow. Taking up your weapons team and offensive retrofit slots, Vader allows you to discard his card and a squadron token or dial to choose and discard an equipped upgrade on an enemy ship at close range. This can cripple even an MC80 that is relying on ts Electronic Countermeasures to survive as Vader will quickly destroy their defenses!

A final insult to injury after Iden and Vader have had their way is External Racks. This disposable ordnance upgrade gives you 2 extra black dice to add to your attack pool at close range. Since all of this Raider’s equipment relies on getting in close, deal out some massive damage as you wade through the Rebel fleet!

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About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.