Teamwork Makes Star Wars Armada Fleets Work

By Barclay Montgomery | April 3rd, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Armada, Star Wars Tactics


Escort your ships with squadrons to take out the Empire in Armada! Teamwork makes the dream work, and the CR-90 needs help to thwart the Empire!

CR90 Corvette A

The humble Corvette CR-90 is a quirky little ship that can surprises Imperial admirals in its effectiveness at long range. The premier small ship in Armada, the Corvette has a respectable 2 red, 1 blue battery in its front arc. This armament is often better suited for turbolaser upgrades, Turbolaser Re-route Circuits being the best for the Corvette and its redundant evades. It can get up to higher speeds and is quite maneuverable, but this can also be improved upon.

Jaina's Light

Jaina’s Light is a 2 point title upgrade that can turn your Corvette into a flanking sniper. This title upgrade allows your CR-90 to ignore the effects of overlapping obstacles and your attacks cannot be obstructed. This works out great for an objective ship that likes to keep its distance and fire at long range unimpeded.

Fighter Coordination Team

The CR-90 can be in trouble at closer ranges, so it’s best to have a fighter escort handy. Fighter Coordination Team allows you to select a squadron within range 1 of your CR-90 and allow it to perform a distance 1 maneuver after you execute a maneuver. This may not seem like much, but distance 1 is the longest distance on the range ruler, and is especially effective for harder hitting yet slower squadrons.

Keyan Farlander B-wing Squadron

One of the most feared Rebel squadrons out there, Keyan Farlander will provide pivotal escorting duty for Jaina’s Light. This B-Wing squadron packs a huge punch of 2 blacks dice when attacking a ship. With the Bomber keyword and the ability to re-roll dice in his attack pool if he is attacking an unshielded hull zone makes Keyan a dangerous ally to have on the Rebel team!

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