The FIVE Star Wars Armada Upgrades You Need To Know!


Armada fans, we have a rundown of the Top 5 must have upgrades that you should consider for your fleets. Study up and improve your tactics!

XI7 Turbolasers


The undisputed upgrade in Star Wars Armada is the XI7 Turbolaser. This weapon upgrade allows you to force the opponent to redirect only 1 damage. Most ships rely on their redirect defense tokens to stay afloat and this upgrade nullifies it without even spending an accuracy. All at the bargain price of 6 points! With XI7, you can use your accuracy results to block the big ticket defense token, the brace!


Electronic Countermeasures


With the frequency of the Home One title being out there in Rebel fleets, there is no shortage of accuracy results. If an enemy target a token that you have to use to survive with an accuracy, use Electronic Countermeasures to ignore 1 accuracy result. This could save your capital ships because your enemy will most likely target your most valuable defense token: the brace.


Demolisher + Engine Techs

Demolisher Engine-techs

The Demolisher title allows you to make an attack after you move, which is crucial because normally you fire first, then move. This allows you to be more maneuverable and affords you the ability to line up some truly nasty shots. Perform your maneuver right behind an MC80 Assault Cruiser, and fire on its juicy rear arc. The Engine Techs upgrade allows you to perform a speed  1 boost maneuver that will extend your threat range with the Demolisher.


Assault Proton Torpedoes


Face up damage cards in Armada are notoriously nasty. A quick and easy way to deliver some of them to your enemy is with Assault Proton torpedoes. If you have a black critical , you can spend it to deal 1 faceup damage card to the defender. This could result in 2 damage, force them to discard defense tokens, or even lose all shields in a hull zone. Either way, the enemy ship will be hurting once you fire these babies off.


Intel Officer


Defense tokens keep ships alive, so they are precious to fleet admirals. If you have an Intel Officer aboard your ship, you may select a defense token, and if the defender spends that token it must be discarded. Use your accuracy results to block their redirects, and the target his brace with Intel Officer. he will be forced to discard his most valuable defense token, and will ensure that you will destroy his ships more quickly.

That’s it for the latest Top 5 Armada upgrades. This list will definitely change once Wave III and IV hit the meta scene. Until then, try these upgrades in your lists and see what you can do with them.